It’s been some time, and I’ve had a lot of time to grow up, just like you. My last post was in 2017 when I was just a baby warrior who was still navigating this crazy grown-up world. Because this crazy grown-up world was too much for me at the time, and I was flailing. I was figuring out my diagnosis (Multiple Sclerosis diagnosed in 2016) and what it entailed, while also deciding daily that it was not going to run me. Because of it all, I was trying my hardest to heal and grow a family… which in turn led us to having our 4th beautiful daughter who is now almost 4 years old. Crazy how life and God throws in curve balls right when we need it most.

What’s Happening?
I have so much to update from the past 5 years of this essentially awesome life… some good, some bad, some mundane days in between that fill in those big events we like to hang onto.
But first, currently life is good. We have 4 healthy, growing daughters. Two of whom seem a lot more adult-like than I’d like to admit. They’re currently 15, 12, 8, and a month away from turning 4 years old. My husband R and I have been married for 15 years, we’re living on our M5 Farm (now updated and known as Red Brick Ranch) while raising food and animals to help sustain our lives and the lives of those in our community – more on this soon.
There is NEVER a dull moment. Oh, and did I mention we’re now homeschooling the younger 3 and my home business is still our main thing? Ever heard of Young Living Essential Oils?? Well, you’re about to get educated!
Whew! Life is a whirlwind. Sometimes it seems like things are constantly moving and spinning and changing. Good thing I learned how to embrace change a long time ago – boy that was not easy, but definitely NECESSARY living in this ever-changing world.

What changed?
With the insanity of our lives, the past 6 years since my diagnosis have flown by. I’m happy to share that I have been flare free since the initial flare that diagnosed me… and I attribute it ALL to lifestyle changes I made. Recovery from any autoimmune disease is not easy. MS recovery is something that doctors won’t even recognize most of the time. It’s real, frustrating and leaves the responsibility in the affected person’s hands to find answers. (Read back to my other blog posts “Becoming A Warrior” and “What’s Next… A Road To Recovery” to see all that happened during and after diagnosis if you’d like.) I completely changed my diet, started The Wahls Protocol almost right away and have never looked back. Vegetables and fruit are my lifeline. Clean and grass-fed meats are necessary. Exercise and rest with a low-stress lifestyle are imerative.

Food is incredibly important to the way our bodies function. I’ll be talking MUCH more about food, recipes, my favorite ways of making things easy… and my guilty pleasures. YES, I have a few.
You matter
Thanks for being here. My passion lies behind sharing my story, and this blog gives me that opportunity. I’m excited to be back and making a space for this space in my life. Please leave comments and I promise, I’ll be here. It’s time to spread love in this world. No time like the present to share good things and be a light.